Clean Rivers Program
In 1991 the Texas Clean Rivers Program was introduced as a state-funded, non-regulatory program dedicated to developing a collaboration with local entities to help manage and improve water quality issues within each river basin. The Clean Rivers Program is a partnership between the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), LNVA and stakeholders working to assess, maintain and improve the quality of surface waters within the Lower Neches basin. The program uses a watershed management approach to identify and evaluate water quality issues, establish priorities for corrective action and work to implement those actions.
Learn more and access the CRP data tool at
Program Objectives
- Provide quality-assured data to TCEQ for use in decision making
- Identify and evaluate water quality issues
- Promote cooperative watershed planning
- Recommend management strategies
- Inform and engage stakeholders
- Maintain efficient use of public funds
Lower Neches River Basin/Neches-Trinity Coastal Basin:
Clean Rivers Program Coordinated Monitoring Schedule
Texas Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality
Continuous Ambient Monitoring Station 749 on Pine Island Bayou
For more information on LNVA’s local CRP efforts, or to become a member e-mail us.
Major Rivers
A Texas Specific Water Education Program
Major Rivers and his horse Aquifer will make learning all about water in Texas irresistibly fun. Major Rivers is a water education program designed to teach students about Texas’ major water resources, how water is treated and delivered to their homes and schools, how to care for their water resources, and how to use them wisely. The program’s host, Major Rivers (named for the major rivers of Texas), and his horse Aquifer cover these topics in eight lessons that include a variety of activities in science, math, language arts, social studies and other subjects.
The Clean Rivers Program Partners
Clean Rivers Program partners work together in an effort to improve water quality in LNVA’s jurisdiction.
For a list of the Texas Clean Rivers Program Partners click here.
Texas Stream Team
Texas Stream Team is a group of citizen scientists who are trained to collect and submit surface water and environmental quality data that can be used to help protect the thousands of miles of Texas waterways. Becoming a local Stream Team member is a great way for concerned citizens to join together and help promote a healthy and safe environment through environmental education, data collection, and community action. If you are interested in becoming a member and would like to be informed of our next training, please Email us for more information.
Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee Meetings
Basin Highlights Reports
Lower Neches River and Neches-Trinity Coastal Basin
To request the most recent Basin Highlight Report please contact us using the form below.